The Rapid Hydraulic Jar - Libertas

The Rapid Jar is a fully hydraulic jar created for both fishing and milling exclusively in thru tubing environments. Rapid created the Libertas Jar with the four goals:

  • Hardest hitting hydrauilc jar on the market today

  • To be able to work in the most extreme enviornments

  • Simple to service

  • To produce quantifiable data demonstrating its strength

To acheive these aims the first step was to be able to quantify impact data. To do this Rapid built a state of the art test unit that can measure:
  1. Impact Force

  2. G Force

  3. Sound

Through the application of an engineered chamber to model the harmonics of coiled tubing, strain gauges and accelerometers, Rapid’s test unit can measure the actual impact created when the jars are fired. Rapid provides Impact force test sheets prior to the dispatch of all Jars.

Why does impact force matter?

  • While a hydraulic jar can vary the impact load at which it is fired, this is only half of the equation which determines how much force is being created at the stuck point. The other part of the equation is the impact factor, and the impact factor of jars varies greatly from one supplier to another.
  • An impact force is calculated by multiplying the Load at which the jar is being pulled at by the Jar’s impact factor
  • (Pull Load (lbs.)) X (Impact factor) = Impact force (lbs.)
  • The Rapid “Libertas” Jar has a published & demonstrated impact factor of 3X
  • This is roughly 50% higher than most other Jars on the market today
  • 29,000 lbs. X 3 (Impact factor) = 87,000 lbs. of force at the stuck point

Why Hydrauilic Jars?

  • Hydraulic jars allow the user to vary the impact load when trying to free the stuck point. The “Libertas” Jar uses a proprietary valve system that allows the user to vary the impact force based upon need and circumstance
  • Traditional mechanical Jars utilize a latch assembly to ensure firing. The Jar is essentially locked in place until pull force is enough to overcome a preset threshold. This threshold cannot be changed once the Jar is deployed. Mechanical Jars are restricted to firing to what they were set for. Resetting mechanical jars can also be complicated in extended reach wells where weight on bit is an issue
  • The 2 7/8 Libertas Jar can vary its firing threshold from between 10,000 lbs. – 29,000 lbs. depending on downhole need. This ability to vary an impact load allows the user to greatly increase an impact force created downhole
  • Mechanical Jars require the user to reset the latch prior to firing whereas hydraulic Jars require zero resetting prior to firing which is beneficial in extended reach or deviated wells

The Simplest hydraulic Jar to service on the market

  1. The Libertas jar was engineered with the intention of being incredibly powerful, having variable load capabilities,, rugged and, also easy to service. Rapid wants to partner with and subsequently empower service companies to take over the servicing of their own tools
  2. Traditional hydraulic jars are recognized as superior for the thru tubing marketplace but also viewed as complicated to service due to the usage of miniature valves and orifices
  3. The Libertas jar utilizes a proprietary cartridge to facilite our hydraulic transfer of energy. This allows end users to simply switch out cartridges after an ordained amount of jar usage and then refill the tool with oil