Rapid Downhole has partnered with Full metal power to create the most advanced full metal motor on the market

Full Metal Power introduced a groundbreaking solution for extreme drilling, successfully overcoming the hurdles that have hindered advancements in metal on metal power section technology. Their competitive advantage lies in their exceptional precision to craft both stators and rotors. This precision has enabled Full Metal to achieve an engineering feat: a seamless metal-to-metal power section.This accomplishment reflects a steadfast commitment to pushing technological boundaries and overcoming previous innovation barriers

  • Zero rubber seals, and a metal stator to provide the first motor entirely made of metal.

  • The all metal motor was created to withstand the most extreme drilling environments on the planet.

  • Heat Tested to 500º C

  • Extended drilling times 300-500 hrs.

  • The Rapid full metal bearing pack has zero leakage and advanced

  • Self cooling techniques to preserve bearing in extreme drilling conditions

Rapid has paired the full metal power sections with a mud lubricated bearing pack for extreme drilling environments. With a focus on extreme environments Rapid has combined state of the art materials with advanced structural analysis and Computational fluid dynamic models to create a sealed fully lubricated bearing pack to withstand the rigours seen today in milling & drilling.
  • Rapid increases the flow to the bearing almost 5X that of conventional motors to help with the cooling and the wear

  • Bearings are being continuously cooled to prevent overheating and wear.

  • 5X the average amount of fluid pumped into the bearing to keep it cool

  • Zero leakage to the anulus to keep maximum power to the bit to help drilling

  • Abrasives are mitigated by continually pumping flow through the bearing stack. Fluid does not leak into the bearing, rather it is pumped into the stack to prevent build up and to encourage cleaning.

  • Self cooling techniques to preserve bearing in extreme drilling conditions