The Rapid Connect System

Rapid’s patented Rapid Connect Technology enables the operator to safely, and quickly assemble BHA’s prior to downhole tool deployment. Rapid connect technology eliminates the need for pipe wrenches, snipes and come-alongs when assembling BHA’s. The elimination of standard thread tightening tools increases both the safety performance on location of workers and the reliability of connecting tools for arduous downhole operations.

  • Increased the flow to the bearing almost 5X that of conventional motors to help with bearing cooling

  • Abrasives are mitigated by continually pumping flow through the bearing stack with a pump. Fluid does not leak into the bearing, rather it is pumped into the stack to prevent build up and to encourage cleaning.

  • Zero leakage to the anulus to keep maximum power to the bit to help drilling

  • Custom designed bearings to handle the excess flow

  • Advanced Material slection

  • Titanium flex shaft

  • Stress relief housings